Learn more about previous edition of CS50xNepal here!

CS50 AI Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Thank you for being a part of CS50x Nepal. We value your participation and want everyone to have an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Accordingly, all participants are expected to follow this Code of Conduct, and to show respect, understanding, and consideration to one another. Thank you for helping make this a welcoming, friendly atmosphere for everyone.


CS50x Nepal is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment for all participants. This Code of Conduct outlines the expectations and guidelines for behavior throughout the event activities including (but not limited to) lecture class, fair, hackathon, mentoring hours, dining, etc.


If you experience or witness any violations of this Code of Conduct, please report it promptly to the event organizers. Reports can be made in person or through the designated reporting channels provided at the venue. A quick way to reach us will be at [email protected] with an email subject “Breach of Code Of Conduct”.


Our Standards

Expected Behavior

Unacceptable Behavior


Additional Guidelines


CS50xNepal Logo

CS50 AI Nepal is dedicated to fostering excellence, innovation, and skill in AI education, empowering students to shape a transformative and impactful future.

Reference Sites

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© Copyright 2024, Designed and Developed by Abhishek Niraula , Niraj Bista and Nabin Yadav.