CS50x Nepal
The world-famous “CS50 lectures” offered at Harvard and Yale University is now in Nepal for the good. And for the first time, it's happening right at IOE Purwanchal Campus.

About Us

CS50x Nepal, similar to CS50x Iran, CS50x Iraq, CS50x Tehran, etc., is the first adaptation of the CS50x lecture series tailored for students in Nepal. CS50x is a licensed course under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Legal Code. CS50x Nepal is designed as an event, encompassing the complete set of CS50x activities with native adaptations, including lectures under the same license.

What is CS50x Nepal?

The world-famous "CS50x lectures" offered at Harvard and Yale University which is also an OpenWareCourse, is now in Nepal for the good. CS50x Nepal is the first adaptation of the course in Nepal at IOE Purwanchal Campus. The timeline will not only include lectures and classes but the whole set of CS50x activities including Nepal's own version of puzzle day, quiz, hackathon, CS50x Nepal fair, project display, guest lectures, games, fun and foremost group based learning.

Why CS50x Nepal?

  • Highly regarded course that provides a solid foundation in computer science.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum designed for well-rounded understanding of the CS topics.
  • Taught by and mentored in-person by expert students for the students.
  • Emphasizes problem-solving and critical thinking to compete in the industry.
  • Prepare confidence in career with the CS50 free certificate.


Pukar Karki
Deputy HOD
Suraj Bhattarai
Sudip Prajuli
Data Camp Fellow
Mahesh Chaudhary
Sunil Poudel
Sunil Poudel
Data Camp Fellow
Muna Bhattarai
GitHub Campus Expert

Supported By

TU Logo Github Education Dharan Municapility MLSA Logo Leap Frog Nepal


The exposure to CS50x has broadened my perspective, and I feel more confident in tackling complex coding challenges. Kudos to the organizers for bringing this incredible opportunity to Nepal!


Spandan Guragain

BCT Student, IOE Purwanchal Campus


Still got a lot of questions in head? Expand and find answer to your queries below.

What is CS50x?

CS50x is Harvard University's Introduction to Computer Science course, available online for free. It's a fantastic way to explore the world of computer science and programming. CS50x is a licensed course under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Legal Code.

What is CS50x Nepal?

Like any other country/city adaptation, CS50x Nepal is the very first Nepal adaptation of the course at IOE Purwanchal Campus.

Is CS50x only a course/lecture, same like any other regular university lectures?

CS50x is a course, but CS50x Nepal is more like an event, including the complete CS50x set of activities.

Is CS50x Nepal an in-person event or an online event?

CS50x Nepal is an in-person event at IOE Purwanchal Campus, Dharan.

Can I join CS50x Nepal?

If you are a BEI or BCT student, then you can apply to join. Registration forms are opening soon.

Is CS50x Nepal a paid event? Is there any ticket or fee?

No, CS50x Nepal is a free course for students. There's no ticket cost associated with CS50x Nepal.

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