Still got a lot of questions in head? Expand and find answer to your queries below.

When and where is CS50x Nepal starting?

CS50x Nepal is starting this soon in 2024, at Library building in IOE Purwanchal Campus.

How many students can join CS50x Nepal?

Initially, we are planning to enroll 30 students. However, the student count can change based on interest.

Is CS50x for beginners, or do I need prior coding experience?

CS50x is perfect for beginners! No prior coding experience is needed.

How do I enroll in CS50x Nepal?

You can enroll in CS50x online for free. However, for CS50x Nepal, you need to apply to get into the event.

What programming languages are taught in CS50x Nepal?

CS50x Nepal follows the same course structure as of CS50x from 2022/23.

How much time should I dedicate to CS50x Nepal each week?

We recommend about 12–18 hours per week, but you can adjust your pace to fit your schedule.

Are there assignments and exams in CS50x Nepal?

Yes, you'll have problem sets and quizzes to test your knowledge. They're a great way to learn!

Can I get a certificate from Harvard for completing CS50x Nepal?

You will only get the free certificate offered by CS50 on completion of the course.

What kind of computer or software do I need for CS50x?

You would need a decent laptop. In case of software, you can explore the online setup or some offline Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

Can I take CS50x Nepal at my own pace?

Absolutely! But not keeping up to our scheduled timeline might let you not graduate the course together with others.